Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring is Here

This picture was not even taken in our yard, I found these flowers in our neighbours yard.      We do have lots of daffodils coming up but none in full bloom except for this little stray that I found next door.    I did talk to my neighbour and found out that she had planted these little bulbs in herself from a gift basket she had received.  Never know where something is going to show up !! 

This cluster of crocuses I found out in the front yard and YES again in the other neighbours yard.  I did take a picture of our own crocuses, but this one was my favourite.  Love the contrast of the orange center against the purple of the flower.   

Last but not least is our very own bundle of beauties.  These are beautiful in their way, they look like a bouquet of tulips, but they are crocuses.    They are planted under an apple tree and they have been there for so many years I can't even remember, but they come back every year.     Crocuses don't like to be picked or at least not for me, don't last long at all indoors, so you just to appreciate them outdoors, where they belong. 

Happy Spring everyone !!


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